
Network dynamics

I am currently seeking opportunities to study neural dynamics, specifically in areas such as deep brain stimulation (DBS), brain-computer interfaces (BCI), epilepsy, and methods of capturing the electrical activity of the brain, including microelectrode arrays (MEA), shank electrodes, stereoelectroencephalography (SEEG), and electrocorticography (ECoG).

One of my current projects is the analysis of cellular-scale network dynamics in microelectrode array recordings from 2D in vitro cortical cultures and 3D human cerebral and spinal cord organoids. This research aims to understand the underlying neural activity and connectivity in these model systems, which has potential implications for the understanding and treatment of neurological disorders.

  • Dimensionality analysis of network dynamics using effective rank. Extending the existing methodology from correlation matrices to spatiotemporal neuronal activity. Benchmarking the two approaches and examining the effects of applying variance stabilising transformation. Tracking changes in complexity and synchronicity of network patterns of activity during neurodevelopment in healthy and Mecp2-deficient networks. Collaboration with Tim Sit (Sainsbury Wellcome Centre, UCL, UK).
  • Network control theory applied to cellular-scale network dynamics. Based on seminal work on controllability of complex networks and its applications to network neuroscience. Extended the average and modal controllability measures to functional connectivity in 2D cortical cultures, and introduced a novel metric based on the volume of controllability Gramian (feasibility of driving the network dynamics to arbitrary states with unit input energy). Collaboration with Tim Sit (Sainsbury Wellcome Centre, UCL, UK).

My undergraduate thesis is now available here.

Our poster at FENS.

Poster summarising my undergraduate research on network dimensionality (very preliminary data!).

Another poster, this time focusing on network controllability.